The air gap measurements have been updated to reflect the ongoing long-term construction on the Ben Franklin Bridge. The real-time air gap data displayed on CO-OPS’ web page now represents the distance from the bottom of the Safespan scaffolding to the water surface AT the green center channel navigation light. For additional information specific to the navigation channel, please see the latest local USCG Notice to Mariners.

PORTS®: 8545556 Ben Franklin Bridge Air Gap, PA

airgap 8545556 airgap 8545556 airgap 8551911 airgap 8551911 airgap 8573928 airgap 8573928

For information on missing data, go to the PORTS Station Status or call (301) 713-2540.
DISCLAIMER: Air gap systems were created by NOAA/NOS to provide the maritime community with improved information of bridge clearances at a designated reference point on each bridge. These real-time data are accurate to within ±1 inch. They are released for limited public use as preliminary data that has undergone a limited amount of quality control to be used only with appropriate caution when clearing the bridge. For more detailed information about installation and data dissemination parameters for specific air gap systems, please visit this page.

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Products available at 8545556 Ben Franklin Bridge Air Gap, PA